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SPIRAL Collective

Co-Executive Director  (2020 - ongoing) Offers free abortion doulas, transportation assistance to clinics, Plan B and other reproductive support to people in the Twin Cities. We also create and provide community workshops on after-abortion care work, abortion doula skills training, medication abortion, and transportation assistance skill shares. We are a chronically ill, disabled, queer, trans, BIPOC-centered full spectrum reproductive + healing justice and care work nonprofit. We provide radical compassionate care in all pregnancy outcomes and experiences. In particular, we are committed to eliminating barriers to abortion access.

Sweetleaf Co

Co-founder (2021- ongoing) - Radical apothecary community space, inviting community herbalists & healing practitioners to come together, make medicines and care kits to be distributed to the broader community in Longfellow, Mpls. Provide gathering space and retreats for community organizations and collectives, including Native women’s breastfeeding collective, herbalist meetups, and mutual aid groups. 

Cocoa Butta Futures

Co-founder (2020 - 2023) - A collective of queer, trans Black, Indigenous, people of color, committed to radical redistribution through healing practices and mutual aid. Founded in late May 2020 in response to the George Floyd uprisings in our neighborhoods. Offers direct financial assistance to Minnesota-based QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and BIPOC single parent/fam/guardian/caretaker of vulnerable adults and/or child(ren). Also offers a community pantry twice a week to around 70 families in Longfellow, Mpls.

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Web design and primary photography: Clomotion Pictures

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